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Old 11-20-2017, 12:05 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default I propose myself to be the E90-1 Kraken master

Ok, I'm game. I have always wanted to imitate/compete/improve upon Frank and his Monster. I have been on and contributed to this board since it was created, and was on the old Full Count board before that, so I definitely have the hobby stamina required to maintain such a thread, just like Frank has. I have always loved the E90-1 set, and have collected it off and on for over 25 years. Of course since the E90-1 set has nowhere near the popularity of the T206 set, the views will pale in comparison to the Monster thread, but I think the E90-1 issue has enough of following and is full of varying scarcities that are still being determined that I think it will at least keep a portion of the Net54'ers interested.

Of course if I do this I want to name the thread, which would be "E90-1, The Kraken (AKA the E-Monster). And I will establish the point system, which will be a little more enlarged and elaborate than the T206 Monster version (I mean, all Ty Cobb cards count as 1 point...ouch!). Admittedly, Frank's simple formula has widespread appeal, but why not try something different for this very different and much smaller set? Here is the point system I propose for the 121 E90-1 cards (with the recently cataloged Miller w/sunset increasing the complete set up from 120 cards)

20 Joe Jackson

10 Honus Wagner (throwing)
10 Tris Speaker

7 Ty Cobb
7 Hugh Duffy
7 Mike Mitchell
7 Honus Wagner (batting)
7 Cy Young (Cleveland)

4 Fred Clarke (Pittsburgh)
4 Willie Keeler (red)
4 Christy Mathewson
4 Eddie Plank
4 Ed Walsh
4 Cy Young (Boston)

3 Bob Bescher
3 Patsy Dougherty
3 George Gibson (back)
3 Peaches Graham
3 Ed Karger
3 Willie Keeler (throwing)
3 Addie Joss (throwing)
3 Nap Lajoie
3 Tommy Leach (throwing)
3 Hans Lobert
3 Larry McLean
3 Dots Miller (sunset)
3 Dave Shean
3 Jake Stahl
3 George Stone (left hand showing)
3 Bill Sweeney (Boston)
3 Jerry Upp

1 each for the rest of the 90 cards

A complete set would thus be 240 points

I have given point values based mainly on popularity with a good dose of perceived scarcity thrown in, giving a nod to traditionally acknowledged scarcities and tossing in a few common players that have been revealed in the recent years as being tougher/more desirable. I decided to include the 14 commons worth 3 points each with the understanding that there are another dozen or so candidates that might be included, but didn't want this thing to get too cumbersome. Likewise various other Hall of Famers count as 1 point, but most of these are either pretty common or not as popular.

Let me know what you think about all this and what you think about my point system (as potential Kraken master I will listen to suggestions, but of course I get the final say like any good E-Monster would). If I get enough encouragement to proceed, I will start an official thread for folks to post their E-Monster score.


Last edited by brianp-beme; 11-20-2017 at 07:35 PM. Reason: slight adjustments of a chiropractic nature, and it's Miller time!
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