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Old 08-26-2006, 02:56 PM
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Default T205 card value estimator

Posted By: Bobby


The reason why we do not have raw cards in our database is how are we to determine the grade classification from an image on a computer screen that 99% of the time shows only a front image. Then we have to determine whether or not it is real, reprint or some how doctored or trimmed. There are to many factors in this area that could go wrong. We feel and try to provide data that is at least 99% correct and reliable information to the membership. And the only way we can do that is to let the grading companies do there job and we report it.

You can also for yourself look at the raw card and try to figure out what grade it will get and then search for the card and compare the graded results. This way you are the grader and make the choice.

I hope you understand our reasons for not covering raw material.

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