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Old 07-17-2019, 10:26 PM
Kenny Cole Kenny Cole is offline
Kenny Cole
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Norman, OK
Posts: 1,393

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
Well I agree that outing fraud is good. I just think some of those outing the fraud are probably fraudsters too. I realize you don't have an issue with that (or seem to insinuate that). I do, we can easily agree to disagree. That doesn't mean what they say isn't true.
I was taken to task over there for things I don't/didn't do. And the mods did nothing. And no, I would not answer anonymous posters questions either. IF they want to put their real, verifiable, name next to it I am happy to answer. But it would not be in a venue where those kind of patently false accusations, by anonymous (trolls in my book), don't get reprimanded. Overall, of course I am glad the fraud that was going on was outed and is being dealt with by authorities. I hope whomever is committing fraud in the hobby gets punished to the full extent of the law. It hurts all hobbyists.
I would certainly have an issue if they were actually committing fraud which was or could be proven, such as PWCC is doing. But I haven't seen any evidence of that. Zero. So at this point, what you think is speculation at best IMO. I can't really go too far on complete speculation. If you do, OK. I don't. If you have that fraudsters evidence that I haven't yet seen, show me what it is and I will look at it and maybe revise my opinion. I don't like fraudsters either. I just don't know why you are saying that.

Nor do I think that any of the accusations we are talking about are patently false. I actually feel that it is otherwise. And, with respect to the initial question Peter asked, Bobby outed himself. If you are dumb enough to do that, you get what you get. He deserves to be flamed. Its pretty easy IMO.

Last edited by Kenny Cole; 07-17-2019 at 10:39 PM.
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