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Old 12-22-2010, 09:59 PM
ctownboy ctownboy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 972

To me, the long term value of these type of things is the same as the short term value -ZERO!! That is because I will NEVER spend my money on them.

First, I can not stand the thought that a REAL bat, jersey or whatever was destroyed to make thise type of crap. There were only so many REAL bats or jerseys in existance to begin with and time has taken care of losing or destroying some of those pieces. So, a limited pool of authentic pieces was already reduced and then these clowns come along and DESTROY another piece on purpose.

I have an idea, why don't we try this with an original work by Da Vinci or Shakespeare?

How about we jsut cut up the Magna Carta, the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?

Those old things shouldn't just be stored in some rich guys vault or in a museum only for a certian select few to be able to own or view. No, they should be available for MORE people.

Well, that is NOT happening to those type of historic items and it shouldn't be happening to baseball pieces either. The people who thought of this should be arrested and jailed for destroying property and the companies should be sued and put out of business.

Also, how can ANYONE know if these are actual pieces of the item they are purported to be? Who is to say a person at the company didn't just go out and find a 100 year old piece of Ash lumber and then take it to a lumber yard and have them plain it down and then shave pieces off of it?

No, I think these are wrong on a number of levels and that the value is ZERO!!

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