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Old 06-30-2012, 06:02 PM
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Bill T.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merlin, west of Bawtymore
Posts: 392


I haven't taken Goose swimming yet. I have heard from Jeff (post above) who won a couple other lots from the same scrapbook. He tried soaking them for more than a day. He said the paper did eventually come off the backs just fine, but the fronts were ruined. That was my concern--what would happen to the glossy fronts on these V61s?

I haven't checked in with the seller yet. He said that he had steamed one off successfully and a TPG gave it a 3. If it was just a layer of paper on the back, rather than two cards stuck to the same sheet back-to-back, that would make a difference, I think.

I've had good experiences with cards that were just lithos, but now I'm not comfortable at all soaking these. I may just end up with a Siamese twin card in my collection. (Apologies to all my Thai friends.)

So to repeat my original question:

Has anyone had any experience soaking cards with glossy fronts? M101-4/5, V61, etc. The one person I've heard from says ix-nay on the oaking-say.

Here are some responses that won't be helpful. (Sorry if this comes across as snarky, but these have all been hashed out many times before.)
What!? How do you soak cards?
I'd never soak cards. It's an alteration.
I've soaked plenty of T206s, etc. with nary a problem.

Last edited by birdman42; 06-30-2012 at 06:04 PM. Reason: I read back through the thread
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