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Old 04-22-2016, 02:57 PM
Pilot172000 Pilot172000 is offline
David $tephens
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 411

Originally Posted by Tabe View Post
Cobb had an awful introduction to the major leagues. His father was murdered/killed 3 weeks before he debuted, his teammates sawed his bats in half, hid his equipment, taunted him about his father's death, and a whole lot more - all while he was 18 years old. It's not hard to imagine that he was shaped for the worse as a result.
Even with all this going on, he managed to make some very good friends in baseball. Some of which like Mickey Cochran he took care of after baseball. Walter Johnson and Tris Speaker both were friends and thought well of him. His insistence of Crawford's induction into the HOF tells me that in-spite of the fact that Crawford did more to damage his reputation as a player and a person than anyone, he was forgiving.
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