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Old 06-22-2018, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
I would doubt eBay has any need to change software, I can not see where that line of thinking is coming from. Much like why you do not charge sales tax at a garage sale, future laws should in all cases not affect a occasional seller on eBay.

As was quoted earlier South Dakota brought this forth will a set of guidelines that the seller have 100k in business or a minimum of 200 transactions. To take it lower as was theorized earlier would be a enforcement nightmare, the states see this as some cash cow, but will soon find the costs of an enforcement group for this will outpace easily the rewards against crossstate small sellers.

This is for large internet sellers and companies.

I would assume that if you are an eBay seller that is big enough to be going after as a state agency and have it think there is a reward in it, you are either already collecting it or known this was coming eventually because you have been using this income on your 1040 as a job.
I don't think you will see states going after small retailers. It took South Dakota's levels to get 5 votes in the Supreme Court. Anthony Kennedy, who was the driver of this case, praised South Dakota for taking a moderate approach. He also pointed out that states may not place undue burden on interstate commerce. Trying to collect sales tax on every online sale with individuals would certainly fit. Probstein and PWCC will be affected. Most eBay sellers will not.
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