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Old 08-16-2022, 08:54 AM
thatkidfromjerrymaguire thatkidfromjerrymaguire is offline
John Donovan
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 461

Hi Brian,

Thanks for bumping this thread...I missed it the first time around.

Interesting observation on the potential initial release followed up by an "update" release in 1932.

I'm currently slowly trying to put this one together as I find it to be a pretty interesting set. On top of the true variations (team names, numbering) as well as the color tints and stock variations, you can also find them with and without the baseball terms at the top (strike out, 1st Base, etc.) as well as mini versions. Not to mention the ones that have a colored stripe on the back at the bottom since they were part of the "Championship Draw" game at candy stores.

I'm just trying to complete a basic set on a limited budget with whatever varieties I can. While most of the time I try to go after cards in VG/EX to EX condition, I'll take just about any condition for these.

Here's a couple pictures of my progress so far. I have about 15 cards so far. It's nice to have one Ruth checked off the list, but still need the SECOND Ruth, the Gehrig, the Hack Wilson, the Hornsby, etc., etc. It's going to take me awhile


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