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Old 01-06-2007, 11:17 AM
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Default Slabbing Cards From Uncut Sheets

Posted By: E, Daniel

Assuming that 9's exist of each card, and because of the extreme rarity of the uncut sheet, why not simply 'set' the value at 130% of the break up value - say averaging grades of 8's - and explaining the high risk of not achieving near those results overall if cutting up each card and the chance of non-grades to boot, thereby incentivizing retention of the sheet as a whole.
I mean, if you are the person who owns the piece, it is not the buyer who sets the price but merely what he is willing to pay for it. You don't have to sell it for that, but can wait for a buyer who similarly understands your way of thinking and is willing to pay the price you determine.
That way, a market for such pieces could be set (130% or any percentage over 100% break-up) and hopefully set precedence that will encourage long term preservation of such unique hobby items.



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