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Old 12-31-2016, 07:24 PM
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Nick Barnes
Join Date: May 2016
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 757

The "greenies" argument falls apart under cursory statistical analysis. IN THE HISTORY OF BASEBALL, not one single player had a second career peak after age 32. Between 1994 and 2006 something like 28 players had second career peaks after age 32. (not to mention all the players who were able to stay in MLB because of PED's where otherwise they'd have been out of the game)

That era is reflected in the power surges, the statistical anomalies and the eye test that it was bad for the game and unnatural. I think Bonds and Clemens are in because they were already HOF'ers even if they retired before their 2nd peak. The rest???? well, I'd say no. Most of em wouldn't have reached their levels of performance without them.

as far as the tired Pete Rose argument is concerned, he gambled on games, he lied about it, and has consistently shifted the truth until it was financially fortuitous for him to half ass tell it. (new books) Not to mention HE AGREED to his punishment. (and he's probably one of the top 3 or 4 most overrated players of all time due to his lack of power, late career collapse and mediocre glove)
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