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Old 10-12-2016, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by frankbmd View Post
wearing pink cleats in a football game?
I don't know about cleats, but it is highly possible that all of these men did wear pink as young boys.

Pink as a "girl" color didn't make a full transition until approximately the 1940's. Up until then it was either gender neutral or a color for a young male.

From a June 1918 Earnshaw's Infants' Department publication:
“The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.”
The funny thing is. Even though there are posts in this thread that they don't understand being conned into wearing a color, those same people think the color is gender specific. The only reason they think that way is because advertising has made it that way, meaning they were "conned" into thinking it wasn't a masculine color.

Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
I have been amused by the advent of the beard as modern masculine symbol when it generally is worn by a guy who would get a panic attack at a horror movie.
Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
...Too many males of today are not men, they are weak, fragile and pathetic.

I am weak (physically) and I do get emotional. I love. I cry. I do get palpitations in horror movies. None of this has ever made me feel like less than a man. At the end of the day I take care of my wife and children by working every day and being there for them in anyway I can. I don't need to build the house from scratch and kill the food they eat with my bare hands to feel like a man.

I do have a beard. It isn't because I think I am tougher for having it. As a matter of fact I know I am still what you would call "weak and fragile". I have a beard because I like having a beard and my wife seems to prefer it as well.

I have had a beard (or some form of goatee/beard) since I could do so. Then a couple of year's ago I was randomly asked by my brother-in-law if I grew my beard for "No-shave-mber". I had no idea what that was. I also thought it was strange that even though I had the beard as long as he had known me, he assumed that I had done it for some "cause" or to "fit-in" at that point.

I just thought I would let you know that some of us "weak" men with beards know who we are. We are men.
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