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Old 07-30-2014, 06:30 AM
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Mi_ch.ael Bo,rk_in
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 675

Thanks everyone for the (mostly) kind words and for the support.

I just want to address what a couple of you brought up - my timing issue and how I should have given them more time.

I agree with one of the posters - the rings were tampered with - this can not be disputed. Chris said he needed to speak with Mr. Edwards to make a final determination on the items and if the descriptions should be modified.

In one of my posts, I asked Chris, what could he possibly hear from Mr. Edwards that could change the fact or Chris's already determined agreement with me that the ring engravings were not original.

This investigation did not rise to the level of Watergate or the IRS scandal. I gave Chris time to deal with this but I felt that the community needed fair time to be warned about these problems.

If you track what super bowl rings typically sell for, these two items could have realistically sold for 20,000 - 50,000 each. My experience in speaking with and dealing with these types of buyers is that they are very busy with work, careers, and other pursuits in life and are not glued to the internet or hobby.

They could easily miss the update (yes I know Chris explained his process for making sure this would not happen, but it's not full proof and no guarantee bidders will see it). And yes I know, the responsability lies with the bidder and he/she should be their research.
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