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Old 09-29-2014, 08:14 AM
ALR-bishop ALR-bishop is offline
Al Richter
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 8,996
Default Moisture and SDBs

In 1993 I lived in St Louis and they had a lot of flooding that year. I had an uncle die that lived in a suburb called Lemay . I was his executor, but his bank with his estate papers was flooded. It was almost 3 weeks until the waters receded enough for them to reopen the bank, and since the safety deposit room was partially under water there were delays in getting access and box holders had to make individual appointment to get into the vault room and check their stuff. You could see the water line that went half way up the rows of boxes. I had no idea where his box was located, but fortunately it was up high near the ceiling, well above the water line. I saw others going through boxes that had been under water for 3 weeks and all the paper documents were completely destroyed.

Since then I have always made sure my boxes have been up high in case of flooding , sprinkler issues, fire ( water to put it out).

But since I have collected each and every Topps set and have them in binders for easy access and display, I have never used my safety deposit boxes for cards. I do keep all my documentation of the cost basis of my cards in the box, and carry insurance on it all.
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