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Old 02-22-2012, 09:28 PM
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Craig Wright
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: South-Central Kansas
Posts: 724
Default Brother Maynard's Brother

Originally Posted by FrankWakefield View Post
... As best as I can tell, it was "Brother Maynard's Brother" that did the reading ...
Excellent Frank! I've always wondered how the reader should be referred as. "Brother Maynard's Brother" does seem appropriate, in a Python-esque sort of way.

I believe we can further revise the verses from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 2 for the purpose of this thread:

"1000 shalt be the Monster Number, and the Monster Number shalt be 1000, no more, no less. 1001 shalt not be the Monster Number, neither shalt the Monster Number be 999. 1002 is right out."

btw, my Monster Numbers are:

First Set - 600 (Magie)
Second Set - 518 (all are different backs than the First Set)
Third, Fourth, Fifth, etc sets - In progress with different backs than the First and Second Sets, but I haven't tallied them up (Brown Hindu Southern Leaguers are the toughies I'm trying to find to fill out the third set, so it's going to take a while!)

For back specific Monster Numbers I can break up the above into a Polar Bear set of 250 (Complete), a Piedmont 150 set of 233 (counting Magie, but lacking Wagner & Plank), a partial P350 set of 321, a partial SC350F30 set of 172, etc.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling a bit peckish so I'm off to feast upon lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and ... perhaps I might just have some spam spam spam cheese and spam.

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