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Old 01-14-2010, 06:06 AM
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toppcat toppcat is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich Klein View Post
Namely; in 20 years will we as a society even be interested in "stuff":

I use book replacements such as "kindle" and "nook" or IPods which have replaced old records, etc. as examples

Interestingly, while high end old records are getting hurt price wise due to the idle rich shrinking in number, collecting "normal" old records and releasing new music on vinyl is surging right now. A really popular thing is to sell the record with a download link for the digital version. I think a certain branch of collectors likes the tactile satisfaction in the having the object (or totem, if you will). I believe new vinyl releases are multiplying by the month right now it's such a popular format.

I still try to buy CD's and not just get downloads unless there is no CD release or if I'm trying to get one rare track without paying for a full album.
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