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Old 02-20-2012, 10:27 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,558

As far as making money at shows, that's tough. Most dealers have been around a while and have developed a niche, an expertise in buying and selling a certain segment of the hobby. Very few make a real living at it, most are weekend warriors. But as far as enjoyment of the hobby, there's nothing like them. And if it wasn't so much fun, you wouldn't have nearly as many of the part-time dealers as there are. And shows will never go away for that very reason. There's nothing like the excitement and anticipation of walking into a show, or setting up at one, looking forward to two or three days of action of one kind or another, going out to dinner with other hobbyists, being on the road, all of it. I can't understand why anyone who's into this stuff would forgo those pleasures to sit at home and buy and sell on eBay or in auctions, get your money or objects in the mail, and that's it. Where's the thrill of that? Shows will be around until the day that human beings have more fun being with their personal digital devices than with other human beings. I hope I won't be around to see that day.
Hank Thomas
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