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Old 08-26-2006, 01:24 PM
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Default T205 card value estimator

Posted By: Russ Bright

Nope, and doesn't "do" Raw cards (a mistake IMHO) . I cant afford PSA5/SGC60 of most of these cards. If I find a raw poor card for some of the rarer ones i'm lucky. This (T205) is the set i'm working on and it's very difficult getting any uniformity to these. Some people pay LOTS for rarer ones and some cards don't have much command at all.

It would be nice to have a compilation of data of T205 INCLUDING the raw card data just as a starting point. This might not be very easy. This set (and most sets) seem to be in a state of flux right now (and always) - Even knowing what soimething is "worth" doesn't help when you're willing to pay 2x book for a card to complete your set...

What you're willing to pay. I paid more than I should have for a few of the cards in my collection (T205 Johnson - Sovereign- G 200+) But i WANTED that card.

Someday it may happen, I know there are some people compiling raw data and maybe someday we'll have someplace that we can see it all... I'm doing my own research and am finding out TONS about this set and what people are willing to pay, which influences what I'm willing to pay.

Short answer, No, but I wish there were...

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