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Old 05-19-2018, 10:06 AM
mr2686 mr2686 is offline
Mike Rich@rds0n
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Ca
Posts: 3,175
Default Question for Type 1 experts

Every once in awhile I pick up a movie still from Pride of the Yankees. I've noticed over time that some will show a copyright date of 1942 and some will show 1949. I know the movie was released in 42, so that's cool, and I also know it was re-release in 49, so I assume the 49 copyright would be considered a type 2. With that said, I just recently came across a few that had 1943 copyrights on them. Now, I know the movie was probably still playing in theaters (I think) and I know for sure that it was up for several academy awards in March of 43 (maybe they printed up more for the awards push?), so would those 43 copyright photos still be considered Type 1's? I believe they would, but wanted to ask the experts just in case.
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