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Old 07-02-2019, 04:57 PM
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Mike Rothstein
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 181
Default Travel vs "Home" game?

Hi Hanes

I'm not an expert on this game.

I'm hoping Butch jumps in when he sees the title.

First - what is the size of the board?

Here's another example of what I would call a rainy Saturday afternoon home game:

My game "box" is 11X8.5" - again mine next to the one above is more like a travel game of sorts I would guess or could be a cheaper version to enhance sales?

On Danny.

He played for the Boston Red Sox when this game was produced and never played for the Dodgers - so think of the felt Dodgers logo as a bonus.

The components and the game - as such - appear to be the same.

I have to confess, due to the game being pristine, I've never opened it up to play; I was always planning on a "user" beater to try out but never did.

Side note: the game is patented April 24, 1928.

If you notice - the game pieces are in an envelope closed with scotch tape which wasn't invented till 1930 - so we know that the game was - at least - produced for 2 years and I'm guessing - if popular - a lot longer?


It appears from your scans that you don't have any of the pawns, players, markers - whatever you want to call them or the dice that drive the mechanism of play.

There's basically 1 red and 1 green die that have dots and a tan colored die with letters which represents the pitcher.

That's about all I can offer at this moment.

Calling Butch?

Last edited by stone193; 07-02-2019 at 05:06 PM. Reason: add information
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