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Old 04-18-2011, 08:58 AM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default New Philly show at Oaks what Dan McKee said in his post.

Customer traffic was not as expected. But then, Saturday's weather was horrendous....heavy rains and strong winds all day, which resulted
in considerable flooding in many of the surrounding areas. I'm exactly one hour away from Oaks and it took me almost 2 hours to drive home
thru this storm Saturday evening.

I was very happy with this show, I sold considerably more cards at this show than I did at the past Valley Forge shows.....nothwithstanding,
the lighter attendance at Oaks.
Furthermore, I acquired quite a few cards for my collection. And this was Dan McKee said..... " dealer attendance was huge ".
In the recent Valley Forge shows, vintage dealer's presence has been "Slim Pickens".

It was great to see Meadowlark Lemon, a legendary performer from back in my High School days.

Great seeing Al Atkinson, a Jets middle linebacker (10-year career) during the Namath era. From 1960's to early 1970's, I was an avid Jets fan.
Also, rooted for the Redskins (loved Sonny Jurgensen)....but, when the Jets traded John Riggins to Washington, I became a solid Redskins fan.

Todd (bbcard1) and I were at adjacent booths. During idle times, we had a ball Talkin Baseball and trading him T206's for some of his eclectic
assortment of cards.....They included an Allen & Ginter John Ward, 1933 Goudey stars, and a Fred Clarke / Bobby Byrne upgrade for my T201
And, I really made Todd's day, when I gave him a really nice deal on the elusive T206 card of Bill Dahlen (Brooklyn).

Across from me was good ole buddy, Ken Cohen. Ken always has a vast selection of vintage cards, so I was able to pick up certain cards that
I've been searching for, for quite a while.

.... and, one of our most important deals was when Ken traded me a banana for a nicer looking T206 from my "junk-box" ....

The snack food concession at Oaks could be improved. I was hungry, and Ken had a bunch of bananas. So, Ken jokingly said...."I'll trade you
a banana for a T206"....and, I said "you've got a deal" !

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that there were some interesting "walk-ins" of sorts. Something that's recently been lacking at shows.

Kudos to Marco ...... he runs a great show. I look forward to his November show in Oaks.


Last edited by tedzan; 04-19-2011 at 05:40 AM.
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