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Old 09-10-2018, 04:11 PM
Sean1125 Sean1125 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by bigfanNY View Post
Sean: First 3 vending boxes 79 80 81 that have been searched and had the "big cards" removed are not worth anywhere near A thousand dollars. All the value is in the chance that you pull one of the "BIG" cards and that it grades high. is there some value for set collectors trying to get high grade commons sure.
But most importantly stepping on a deal is just not cool. I know you are a dealer and the dollars and cents matter. But at a card show, card shop, Ebay, BST, it dose not matter when two people agree on a deal stopping in is wrong. Even little old lady selling husbands collection if she is negotiating with a dealer at his table or in his shop stepping in is wrong. if She steps away then you are free to "help her"
I think twice in the Many shows I did I had another dealer attempt to step in while Myself or my Dad was negotiating and I politely using my best NJ manners moved him away and explained that when we were done he could step in and not before.
I know it is not easy when you see a card or a collection you would like sell for less than you are willing to pay. nut doing the right thing is not always easy.
Jonathan Sterling
Jonathan, my sleep schedule has been a bit shifted since I arrived back in the country last week and admittedly in a very late night stupor I made an error. I've already apologized for the error. I vehemently disagree with your comment about "dollars and cents" and find it to be rather rude, I believe my comments on the thread actually show quite the opposite.
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