Thread: On the easel...
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Old 08-24-2013, 11:15 AM
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Graig Kreindler
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1,421

Hey everyone!

Thank you so very much for the kind words. I' really glad that you guys like the work, especially the Kankol piece.

Lance, I actually had no idea about that article - thanks for sending the link! Dean had sent me those questions via email and just told me to answer them 'as if they were going to be published.' I had no idea that it was for SCD. Either way, it was a really nice piece, and I'm so grateful for all of the nice thinks that David and Brian said about my work. That was just beyond wonderful of them.

Andrew, they're a ton of players I'd love to paint for myself. For one, I think I've mentioned before that I have a love of the '36 Yankees and Giants, so I had intended to do portraits of each player from both teams. One day, I hope. But they're still so many others. Off of the top of my head (though certainly not limited to), I would kill to do paintings of Deacon White, JM Ward, Mike Kelly, 'Three Finger' Brown, Bill Dahlen, Red Ames, Johnny Kling, Russ Ford, and a crap ton more. Even then, that's just from the 19th century and the Deadball era. The list would never really end, I tell ya.

Billy, I actually would LOVE to do the Conlon Ruth eyes, or any of the '27 team from that set. The only thing is, I would want to do it larger than life-sized, so that it's something that has REAL presence. We're talking something that's around 30" x 40" or something. Or heck, maybe even larger. No one has ever expressed any interest in commissioning it, so I guess it's just up to me to actually take the time and get it done.

Thanks again, everybody. You all rule.

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