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Old 06-27-2011, 09:26 PM
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Richard A.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 577
Default How often does my focus change?

Since my return to collecting around 2002, it's changed regularly. Maybe 7-8 times -- usually as a function of space and money. I try to walk a fine line between 'collecting' and 'accumulating'. If I focus on something too easy [cheap and readily available] I accumulate more than I can reasonably store or look through regularly, but if I focus on something too difficult [not as cheap, nor as readily available], then in order to collect it, I have to spend more money than I am comfortable admitting to anyone is represented by cardboard.

Within reason, this has not stopped me from focusing on any particular thing, but without fail, every collection hits the space or money threshold eventually.

It also doesn't help that I am on a limited [decreasing?] budget, and am a fan of all eras of baseball.


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