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Old 05-17-2014, 09:54 PM
JoeyF1981 JoeyF1981 is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 609

Originally Posted by calvindog View Post
Ok, we'll just trust everything you just said because it's not like you've got a history of fraud and lying. So we'll just take you at your word even though the story literally made me laugh out loud it was such obvious bullshit.

And why are you pretending that what you did in the past wasn't fraud? It was fraud. So how can you claim that you've taken responsibility for your past fraud when you can't even admit it was fraud?
What fraud??? And what is your problem besides being a douche? Obviously you have a boner for me. I would never in my right mind make up a story about being robbed to gain nothing from it. I came here to tell people what happened...not ask for obviously dont know what fraud means you dickhead. The past has been over for a long time. I never de-frauded anyone ever. You have issues
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