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Old 04-03-2012, 01:13 PM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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I have some of my favorites on display, but I am with you Cardboard Junkie with the comics. I also collect Movie Posters and Kid's meal premiums as well as anything batman related.

I don't consistently pull anything out to look at them. The ones on display in my living room get looked at and rearranged often. Yet anything in storage boxes in the basement just get pulled out at random and looked through. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went through my movie posters.

The only collection that my wife thought I was crazy for having was my kids meal toys, until I pulled them out and she went through them. Afterwards she said something like "those were really fun to go through, I remember a lot of those from when I was a child. We should keep those and give them to our kids". She is a huge batman collector so she just doubled that collection when we got married.

When I do pull out the cards it takes me forever because I read through the backs (making old judge and t206s very quick to go through, lol). There isn't anything on the back of the cards I couldn't read online, but it is interesting to see what they felt was important to put on the card that year.

A lot of boxed cards get looked through because my daughter will find a box pull it out and start removing the cards. So then I sit down with her and look at them, or if I am not there I just find myself cleaning them up when I get home.

My now 18month old daughter kept pulling out a '55 bowman Aaron card about 4months ago. Every time I would take it back she would take it again. I finally asked if she wanted it and she shook her head yes. So now it is hers and is on display in her room (the only baseball card in there).
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