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Old 08-22-2013, 08:25 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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altering a card is not fraud, but altering it and submitting it with the intent to fool the authentication company is fraud. its intent, not the actual outcome. it's hard to prove intent, but if someone is trimming and trying to slide it past psa with intent to get a numerical grade it is fraud. otherwise if they werent trying to commit fraud, and they altered it, they could just tell psa they altered it and get the A, if they arent doing that, then they are trying to get a numerical grade. if it came back with a numerical grade, then the submitter who altered it, should send it back and demand the A grade, but that would be the honest thing to do if the person wasnt trying to defraud someone. because the submitter knows that it was altered, accepting a numerical grade knowing it was altered and not doing anything about it is part of the fraud.