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Old 06-22-2010, 11:27 AM
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Jim D
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,000

I think REA should do what is right and make this right! Customer service goes along way, especially with word of mouth. It may cost REA and the consignor 3k now, but look at the type of buyer he has. 60K is some nice bank! Ive never met Robert, have only heard great things about him, but in this case, it sounds like he is dropping the ball a bit!

I had a lot of shiny UFC cards go missing in the mail.(my first ever lost auction) I contacted the seller, and even though he provided me with proof of shipping, he had a photo of the envelope, with my address, date and such on it. (i have bought other lots from him, this is how he works) When i informed him they hadn't shown up, without hesitation he re-shipped the same cards and when i opened his package this morning, there were the cards, and there was my money back with an apology letter. All this for a measly 10$ order!

"There is no such thing as over educated!

It is better to be quiet and thought of as a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!!
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