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Old 08-08-2019, 09:19 AM
bbcard1 bbcard1 is offline
T0dd M@rcum
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Roanoke, VA
Posts: 3,335

I don't do much with TGC. I have never submitted a card directly, own a few, but will generally crack them to put into my binders.

I think the answer is a new grading company with very high standards in terms of ethics and reasonable funding. That is doable. If a credible name was associated with it and the pricing reasonable, it could catch on. There are a ton of superior marketing angles that could be employed and technology to determine trims and centering could be integrated. It could be great.

If such a company were to be founded, the existing card companies would throw everything they could at them to discredit them. It would be an absolute sh•tshow.
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