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Old 06-02-2012, 10:07 AM
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GregMitch34 GregMitch34 is offline
Greg Mitchell
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: New York City area
Posts: 2,432
Default Unusual Offer: Will Trade (Autographed) Baseball Book I Wrote for a Card

A few years ago I wrote a fairly popular book about coaching my son titled: "Joy in Mudville: A Little League Memoir." It was hailed by USA Today and a bunch of other places and has been optioned by Tom Hanks for a movie. It does mention collecting cards but mainly traces my life as baseball fanatic, from a child onward (even playing with Bruce Springsteen). I have some extra hardback copies that I can autograph and send to you in trade for some kind of pre-1920s graded card that you think might make a fair offer. So just let me know. Here is link for Amazon write-up and reviews (of the paperback edition). BTW, I've written a dozen other books but none are about baseball, although several cover various aspects of 20th century U.S. history.

Last edited by GregMitch34; 06-02-2012 at 10:38 AM.
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