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Old 05-30-2012, 07:38 PM
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Frozen in Time Frozen in Time is offline
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Originally Posted by Forever Young View Post
I absolutely agree with you on Mantle being a larger story vs say an Ernie banks as a rookie. Therefore, the existence of a greater number of DIFFERENT images. I am just referring to the need to print multiple copies of each in 1951 -53. No need IMO.. as the hype was primarily in NY and there was no real "National" story worthy of sending hard copies to different media outlets. Especially with the wire capabilities. I also noticed that this particular example has date stamps through the late 70s. Which tells me it was the ONE used in house for all/or most of the published stories. I know for a fact that INTERNATIONAL NEWS was the agency who took this original shot and owned the negative(where this originated). If they used this image in house all those decades, what would be the need to print more?? If they did, why not use cleaner examples??? I wouldn’t be shocked if we NEVER see another or less than 3 pop up EVER. BUT… you never know… Just some observations on my end. Ben

PS: I think I might have just talked myself into cashing out some retirement and making a run at this. Anyone out there have thoughts other than "It's just a photo" or "You're an idiot for talking a pre-penalty" that can talk me out of this..PLEASE! HAHA

I think you have made a number of very good points and as far as I can see, we are in complete agreement on this issue.

One last observation, most of the Rookie Type 1 Mantle photos that I referred to in the previous response were all from INP.

PS: If you can do it without stressing the finances too much, then I for one say YES, go for it. If you do, I wish you all the luck in the world!!!!!!!

PSS: However, if you do win and then have second thoughts (which you absolutely should not) please don't blame me.

Best of luck.


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