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Old 05-24-2012, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by HRBAKER View Post
Interesting question. One that would make for interesting debate in a college ethics course I assume. Besides there being plenty of other good reasons not to drive 85 (and I have and have paid for it) besides the potential for lost revenue if you are not caught there might be a nuance or two differences in the pair. I would have to think more about it. On the surface I would say; a.) the police departments reason to be is not revenue generation, unlike paypal, and b.) I am already paying for their "goods and services" by conscription, unlike paypal which I only pay for when I choose to use and pay for it if I have agreed to their Terms and Conditions, c.) the revenue in that instance is designed to be punitive and behavior modifying not to serve solely as a source of income.

At the end of the day, when you choose to speed you have chosen to break the law/rules/T&C of the road so to speak.
Very good question.
Ticket writing isn't revenue generation? Understanding a PD is not solely there to collect revenue but I would bet lunch on the fact that revenue is budgeted and counted on.
And do you really think police departments don't discuss the ticket revenue?
Leon Luckey
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