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Old 05-24-2012, 12:44 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Default Great

Great, I only recently came over to the dark side of actually using the paypal gift payments on anything but true gift-like payments (as our contests are, or at least I consider them to be that). I think I see clear cut issues so will refrain from it in the future unless the other party mandates it. If they do then I will probably just let it go, but I probably won't ask for it anymore in sales, or I will split the fees. For the record, and not that it matters, I do pay paypal fees almost daily, one way or it isn't like they don't make good money off of me but I know that's not the point, they should. It's their business. That all being said, when there is nothing changing hands I will probably still use it.
Leon Luckey
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