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Old 05-19-2012, 06:48 AM
mrvster mrvster is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4,294
Default T206 upside down back scarcity/ let's get a count

Hello all......

As you know i love the T206 freaks....i have been collecting them since 1998 give or take.....I have been discussing this with other hard core t206 collectors and would like to test the waters....

I have personally only seen about 15 or more examples roughly....I own 4 myself....a piedy 350, piedy 150, om scrap uppie and a sweet cap uppie...which took years to acquire and thanx to fellow board members like Mike Healer, Mac Wubben, Mike Brailey ect...they are in my opinion super toughies....

a few examples off the top of my head:
My friend owns 4 nice ones that make a mini sheet(maybe he will post)

Jamie's Cy young...

I know who owns the 2 other om uppies that came off the same sheet as my Thebo scrap (great pick ups ) Steve and Jamie...wise purchases.....Chris Brown's sweet 4 back om scrap is another(hind sight that i should've jumped on that one, but glad my friend Chris got it... is another...Wonk's sweet pick up recently...Jimmy's Hot Batch that is one of the nicest examples i have seen

There are a few others...the Levy's have one or 2 I beleive or have owned in the past....and i'm sure Dan prob has ten or moreLOL only kidding..

SO....scrap or factory cut, doesnt matter....

Let us know/post a scan if you own one~!!

If not, tell us about you sightings....i'm wondering how many actually exist, and i wouldn't say more than 100??????? examples are prob out there??...

I would guesstimate that if you multplied by ten for the ones tucked away in old timers or guys who just don't read this board.....

example 15 spotted..... 10 times 15= 150 total examples that probaby exist???

but i'm more inclined to think prob not more than 50 exist

Tell us what u think


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