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Old 05-18-2012, 03:05 PM
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Abravefan11 Abravefan11 is offline
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I don't have time to do a Photoshop comparison right now but I see the similarities you're pointing out but there are other things I don't see.

- The corners on #53 seem to be softer to me than those on #14.
- I see a distinct dark spot on the lower right hand border that is visible on #14 before and after #53 sold. Maybe the holder is blocking it, but it seems like it should be there #53 but I don't see it.
- There's a spot on the lower right hand corner border of #53 that isn't on any of the #14 images.
-There are spots on all #14 examples in the upper right hand corner border in the same place, and a spot on the upper right hand corner in a slightly different place on #53.

These differences would prevent me from saying at this time they are the same card and I would prefer to err on the side of them being different than the same. If a better scan becomes available and it's shown to be the same card it's an easy fix and I'll be glad to do it.
T206 & Boston National Type Card Collector
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