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Old 05-17-2012, 03:52 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southfield, Michigan
Posts: 1,765

Thanks for the video, Leon. Great stuff! Both the Babe and Jimmy Foxx really launched their whole bodies into the pitch (hence the expression "swinging from the heels")--I wonder how that approach would work today, with so many pitchers able to make the ball break both ways, with slider, cutter, curve and circle-type change, that moves like a screwball, but without the wear and tear on the elbow? Or would these types of sluggers have to adopt more of a Miguel Cabrera/Joe DiMaggio approach, with a wider stance, and little more than a lift of the heel of the front foot for a stride?

Thanks for a great site,

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