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Old 05-06-2012, 07:15 AM
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GaryPassamonte GaryPassamonte is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default 1869 vs 1870 Red Stocking CdVs

I thought it was interesting that two of the Cincinnati Red Stocking CdVs in REA have different dates penciled on the reverse. The one with the Peck and Snyder ad has an "1869" written on the back, while the one with the team lineup on the reverse has "1870" written on the back. If these notations are period, this would confirm different printing and/or distribution dates for the Cincinnati CdVs, with only the ones with the P & S ad on the reverse being from 1869. Both of these CdVs were from the same find and dates penciled on the reverses of others from this find appear accurate. It's unfortunate that the Atlantics P & S card has no date notation on the reverse. That information would have been an important clue in dating the P & S series.
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