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Old 04-25-2012, 10:31 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by scooter729 View Post
This is an ignorant statement. When I was new to the hobby back in the 90s, I bought items from Coach's Corner. I loved sports and thought this was neat stuff - am I an "f'ing moron"?

Fortunately I learned my lesson quickly and got rid of the few junk items I bought, and it didn't discourage me from this great hobby though I was out a few hundred bucks or so. But how many people don't know how to do their homework, buy these forgeries (maybe as a gift for a loved one who like sports?) and then are turned off of a great hobby when they lose some money? A good deal, I'm sure.

I think I've got some common sense (and a Harvard master's degree, FWIW), so I'd like to think that taking a leap of faith with an autograph I didn't research doesn't make me an f'ing moron.

Sometimes people need to think a bit before making a statement - geez...

Scott S@r!@n
spoken like a true collector with more money than brains.... I stand by my ignorant comment that people are basically idiots who buy this stuff with more money than brains. If you find it fun, that 50% of all autographs and probably 100% on that site alone are forgeries...please be my guest, enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZEEEEEEE what FUN!!!!!!

and yes, buying an autograph you know nothing about with all the forgeries out there DOES make you a moron. Sorry to break it to you. Maybe not a legal moron, because you did prove you could learn a few things, but sadly others don't. I stand by my original comment that if you buy autographs from a place like AUCTION ZIP the home of the forgery, yes you are an IDIOT and not a little idiot.... a BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!With or with-out an ivy league college degree.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 04-25-2012 at 10:32 AM.
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