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Old 04-24-2012, 10:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Yes but you have to remember the break up of the ATC. This alone could have caused this small anomaly. Mecca didn't arrive till 1912. Lenox,Tolstoi, and Uzit were very short run cards anyways. If they had a fulfillment order it would make sense to dump them on a small set run and use the same plates instead of a redesign. I do believe that in the next few moths to a yr using T80, T42, T43, and the T205 set we will be able to compile a real accurate set. The cards like Moran and Matty don't count but just like that Turner and I have found 2 new actual variations and not error cards. That offsets those. I am glad we are discussing this as I have thought this for a long time and never wanted to say anything because of some people.
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