Thread: Site speed?
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Old 04-19-2012, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by sports-rings View Post
Hi Leon,

first off thanks for all the hard work and dedication you and others put into this site. Your tireless effort make this such a wonderful sight.

Second, you probably are aware, but last evening I posted a message and uploaded a couple of pictures, only to find this morning that it did not post. Perhaps it was during the new install? Not a big deal, just thought you would like to know.
Hey Michael
First off thanks for the kind words. All credit goes to Steve on this one. He put in hours and hours of work, late at night and early in the morning, to get it done. And on top of that he wants nothing in return. I can't recommend his company, Simple Auction Site enough. As I told him, what comes around goes around. I am sure good things are in store for him and his company. If anyone is looking for a good auction software company to use and host their auctions, they would be a great one.

As for the pictures, or posts, being posted and now not being there, as I mentioned before there was approximately 4 hours of lost data. That was mainly my fault for not locking the site when the actual migration began. Very honestly I thought I was going to be told when it started but wasn't...and it was too late when I found out. I did tell the new hosting company this was urgent so I guess they just went full steam ahead > I accept full responsibility for that and offer my sincere apologies to anyone affected. It's onward and upward now. It seems like the new hosting company is at the top of their game. I am super happy to have moved from the previous imbecilic maroons (sic) that were doing it before.
Leon Luckey
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