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Old 04-17-2012, 09:06 PM
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Steve D Steve D is online now
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I just wonder how many of the trimmed T206's around today, are a result of collectors (like me) who trimmed the cards only because that was the only way to get them into the early plastic pages.

As has been mentioned in another thread here, the early pages made back in the 1970s were side-loading, so any of the oversized T206's would not fit in the page's pockets. The absolute only way to get them in the page was to trim the top/bottom of the cards. I did just that with an absolutely gorgeous Addie Joss portrait and a not so steady x-acto knife

It wasn't until the late '80s/early '90s, I believe, when the first top-loading pages began to appear, that this problem was fixed.

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