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Old 04-02-2012, 03:29 PM
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tbob tbob is offline
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There are allegedly 4 Bohens in existence but no one has ever completed a master set of 1911 Zeenuts with all variations. Mark Macrae is closest and he does have a Bohen but even he does not have a master set.
Most of us consider the 1911 Zeenut set complete without a Bohen and without all the variations, just one of each player, although it is always great to uncover a new variation.
No one to my knowledge has ever completed a master set of E94s with all colors of all players (although I am trying hard ).
I think someone might have a complete set of T210s with all variations but I am not aware who that person might be. The Jackson and Stengel are stumbling blocks, even if you have the Morris and Mascot cards..
I once was one card shy of the 213-3 set, not sure if anyone has that set nowadays, mine was broken up after sale. I am almost 100% positive no one has the set with the overprinted factory backs, not even close.

Last edited by tbob; 04-02-2012 at 03:31 PM.
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