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Old 03-26-2012, 02:44 PM
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Shawn England
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Dawsonville, Ga
Posts: 644
Default Interesting...

Nice work Mark!

Here is another interesting article...

Dec. 1 1906

Secretary J. H. Farrell, of the National
Board, Renders Decision in the Case
of Davidson Against Dubuque.
Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 20.—Following is
the decision by Secretary J. H. Farrell,
of the National Association, in
re application of player Paul Davidson
for removal of his name from the
Dubuque, Iowa, reserve list: Player
Davidson's name appeared upon the
original reserve list of the Dubuque,
Iowa Club. Calling- our attention to
the fact, the player protested, claiming-
a non-reserve contract with the
Dubuque Club. In reply the Dubuque
Club deny that the player's contract
was a non-reserve contract, and claim
that it was a conditional contract, as
per the following notation written on
the margin of the contract:
"Party of the second part agrees to play
with party of first part if in I.-I.-I. League
in 1907."
The Dubuque Club contends that
player Davidson agreed to play with
Dubuque if Dubuque was in the I.-I.-I.
League in 1907. The player contends
that the agreement and understanding
was that if he, Davidson, played in the
I.-I.-I. League in 1907 he was to play
with the Dubuque Club. In support of
his contention the player submits the
original letter of date of January 15,
addressed to him by Manager McFarland,
of the Dubuque Club, which
"You can see I have cut out the reserve
clause, and our agreement is. you are to play
in Dubuque next season (1907) if you are in
tills league."
When this player's contract was recorded
in this office the following- notation
was made upon the face of the
'-Non-reserve. J. H. F., April 30. 1906."
The body of the contract shows that
Section 4, the reserve clause, is stricken
out, and across the same is written
the word "void." On the margin of
contract opposite Section 4 appears
"non-reserve." This player clearly
understood he was not to be reserved
by the Dubuque Club unless he played
in the I.-I.-I. League. Further, in
view of the fact t-hat this player was
permitted to play the entire season
and no protest entered as to his contract
being- a non-reserve contract, it
is the ruling of the Board that the petition
of the player be allowed, and
his name stricken from the Dubuque
reserve list.
J. H. FARRELL, Secretary.
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