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Old 02-29-2012, 12:54 PM
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bn2cardz bn2cardz is offline
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Originally Posted by iggyman View Post
The masses have spoken and by a landslide. I had no idea that Net54ers could actually agree on something. Thanks for all those that responded. It was appreciated. I will nix the cutting of the sheet.

Oh well, I guess my daughter won't be getting that trampoline for her birthday..........................and how in the world am I going to convince my wife that the Net54 consensus was to frame both Bowman card sheets, remove a few pictures of the kids from the wall, and place the Bowman cards in its place......................."but honey, don't you get it; these are not just ordinary baseball cards, they are printer scrap baseball cards."

Lovely day...
I am glad my wife agrees that I should display my stuff. She has even said it would be nice if we could get a bigger place so that I could have a full room for my baseball stuff, a room for our batman stuff (we are both huge batman nerds), and a room for my movie posters (or as she calls it a theater for my posters). She feels the children would just have to decide what room they want to sleep in.

Instead of moving pictures off the wall, tell her that you are willing to put them on the ceiling so that you can look at them while you are laying down.
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