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Old 02-29-2012, 12:40 PM
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iggyman iggyman is offline
I. "Iggy" G0nz@lez
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 943

The masses have spoken and by a landslide. I had no idea that Net54ers could actually agree on something. Thanks for all those that responded. It was appreciated. I will nix the cutting of the sheet.

Oh well, I guess my daughter won't be getting that trampoline for her birthday..........................and how in the world am I going to convince my wife that the Net54 consensus was to frame both Bowman card sheets, remove a few pictures of the kids from the wall, and place the Bowman cards in its place......................."but honey, don't you get it; these are not just ordinary baseball cards, they are printer scrap baseball cards."

Lovely day...
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