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Old 02-24-2012, 04:51 AM
jefferyepayne jefferyepayne is offline
Jeff P
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 2,045

I did dig through my parents attic recently because there were two sets of cards from my childhood that I remembered having but don't have in my current collection: 1974-76 Sugar Daddy and Football cards from the Milton Bradley Pro Draft game. I was pretty sure I'd find the Pro Draft cards since I figured my mother kept all of our old games but had no clue what happened to the Sugar Daddy cards.

As is usually the case, it turned out completely different than expected. I quickly find a envelop in a bag of old stuff from my room that had the Sugar Daddy cards in it but when I opened up the Pro Draft game box, the cards were not there. I probably mixed them into my '74 set and now have to dig through my old doubles one by one to find them again.

A project for a rainy day...

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