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Old 02-12-2012, 05:04 AM
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Ulidia Ulidia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: London, UK (from Belfast, NI)
Posts: 139

As a regular "lurker" who doesn't collect autographs, I don't have any issue whatsoever with multiple threads on autographs and whether they are real or fake or multiple threads on the accuracy, or otherwise, of autograph authentication by the "alphabet guys".

There are clearly significant issues being played out in the memorabilia hobby relating to autographs and other collectables, what's authentic or not, which authenicators are good, which are bad and which are just downright fraudulent. Given that these issues potentially have wide-ranging implications, not only for autographs but the wider memorabilia industry, it's right and normal that these issues are discussed, albeit it may sometimes feel like groundhog day.

What I don't like are the personality clashes that seem to be the impetus behind some of the threads / posts which distract from real and serious issues and equally distract from the incredible knowledge and experience that many of these contributors clearly have.

As I've said, I don't collect autographs but, if I did, I'd be wary posting on some of the autograph threads for fear of being caught in the crossfire.