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Old 02-08-2012, 07:19 PM
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HercDriver HercDriver is offline
Geno W@gn&r
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Colorado
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Default hail to the orange, hail to the blue

I'm a Fighting Illini as well (1990), and was disgusted that we lost the Chief, while places like Florida State got to keep their mascot. If it's tasteful, the mascot can teach people about our past. But to say the Illini tribe was offended was bogus...not a single Illini exists today, as they were wiped out by other tribes. Using mascots as a link to our past could teach kids who the real savage was at Custers's Last Stand...hint: he was wearing blue and gold. I always wondered how the mascot witchhunt would have went if they started with little angry Irishmen with their fists up...

Take Care,
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