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Old 02-06-2012, 07:39 PM
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Tsaiko Tsaiko is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default I Think That's Florence's Stamp

Originally Posted by atx840 View Post
Andy is a board member on here (CobbSpikedMe)
Well, for whatever reason he hasn't returned my email and I haven't seen any recent posts, so maybe he's on vacation.

It's not clear, from his site, whether he has the cards pictured in his gallery or if they were just submitted by other collectors, so let me ask the board this. Does anybody own the "Backwards D" card shown on his site? I'm fairly certain that was stamped by my grandmother and I would like to own it.

It's only because it's well known that I am looking for FD stamped backs that I'm hesitant to post a scan, since I'm afraid it might be possible for someone to recreate them and try to sell them to me. I trust the members of this board, but who knows who is lurking, so I'll take a chance and ask what you guys think. A couple of my grandma's cards only had a D, like below. Does this look like the same stamp?? I've magnified the card from the site as much as possible and given the possible scan variations, I think it's the same. Opinions? If you own this card, do you know where it came from - region of the country, etc, and would you be willing to part with it?
If nothing else, at least a mystery is possibly solved.

Last edited by Tsaiko; 02-08-2012 at 07:18 PM.
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