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Old 02-06-2012, 11:16 AM
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Pete Sycks
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 4,477

I have a couple stories about HOFers.

Puckett: My mom worked for them back in the early 90's and knew Kirby really well, he was the nicest guy on the planet and his former wife Tonya was great too. One day Puck came home with 2 bags of Mcdonald's food what was called "the puck pack" back in the day. He tried to slip it past her, but she caught him and made him throw it out. It was pretty funny. His house was also amazing as I got to visit twice and being a 10 year old looking at his gold gloves and all of his awards it was like a kid in a candy store.

Griffey: After a Twins game back in the early 90's our neighbor Wayne Terwilliger (1st base coach of the twins) who we always waited for outside of the locker room saw Griffey walk by and Twig introduced him to my brother and me. He shook our hands and think asked us some baseball questions. It was amazing just to talk to Griffey for a minute.

Blyleven: I was at Twins fest about 5 years ago and Bert was walking by us so I grabbed a ball and a pen and walked over to him to ask him for his auto. I was wearing my college baseball uni as we were doing a baseball camp for the little shavers that day and Bert says "Usually I don't do this, but you're with a good team." and signed my ball. I told him that he was my dad's favorite player and he asked about him too. Bert is the man.

I haven't had a lot of bad experiences with HOFers, but kind of felt bad when getting Feller's auto also at Twins fest that year. He was sitting in a booth in the back of everything by himself asking for $15 for an auto and nobody was in line. I didn't notice he was there until I turned my head and said to my bro "That's Bob Feller". He was a very genuine guy and shook my hand.
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