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Old 02-06-2012, 06:43 AM
HexsHeroes HexsHeroes is offline
Vincent Hecksel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lansing Michigan
Posts: 590
Default Mays, Berra, Gehringer, Kaline, Horton ???


I've had the opportunity to get four HOF in person.

Ditto the prior comments about Mays. He was at a Jim Hawkin's Plymouth show and was quite surly and rude.

Berra also signed at a Hawkin's Plymouth show, and was surprising in that he was all business; rarely cracking a smile, or regaling in Yogisms or stories. Just business-like, polite, here's your autograph.

Gehringer signed at a Southfield Michigan show, and was similar to Berra inwhich he was very business-like and polite with his signing mannerisms. But Charlie did respond with eye contact and a smile when thanked, so he must have had an appreciation for proper manners too.

Al Kaline was signing at a Gilbraltar Trade Center show in Taylor (or was it Mt. Clements, I don't remember). I could see ahead that he was looking alittle frustrated and put out, but trying to remain polite. Earlier in the week, I had noted while reading in the recent Beckett Baseball magazine that Kaline's birthday was the day of the signing. So when it was my turn to get my item signed, I wished Al a hearty and enthusiastic "Happy Birthday". The look of surprise-turn-to-smile on his face verified that I hit a home-run with him. The promoter asked Al if it was indeed his birthday, and Al replied that it was. I got a nice, bold signature, firm handshake, and a word of thanks from Al for the birthday greeting.

Not a HOF, but a short story to share regarding obtaining Willie Horton's autograph in 1993. Jim Hawkins was promoting a 25th Anniversary signing with most of the members of the 1968 World Champions Detroit Tigers team, and the turnout was out-of-sight. Willie Horton must not have been expecting to signed literally dozens items for each individual in line (dealers???). While I was waiting to get my one item signed, Willie began making noise about having to leave for a doctor's appointment. After each person infront of me, he seemed closer to bolting. Fortunately, I got my autograph. So did the guy behind me. But the hundreds of fans behind him were out of luck, because Willie did get up and leave. Evidently, all of the Detroit Tiger ballplayers had spent a two or three hours signing stuff before the public show hours, upstair in Hawkin's private hotel room. Perhaps mail order; perhaps Hawkins own items. Anyways, Willie thought that the pre-public signing fulfilled his obligation, so having to sign autographs for the public for several more hours was not covered by the compensation he had received, or had agreed to do. I still feel for all those fans who waited for hours, to get nothing from Horton.

Last edited by HexsHeroes; 02-06-2012 at 06:49 AM.
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